Verzorgings - tips - database
Planten hoe onderhoud je ze het best, veel of weinig water? Hierbij wat tips die in de meeste gevallen opgaan. Er zijn uiteraard altijd uitzonderingen op de regel!
Meestal is 1 maal in de week dezelfde hoeveelheid op dezelde dag de basis. De regelmaat is goed voor de plant en helpt je het niet te vergeten
In de zomer zijnde planten dorstiger dan in de winter. Dus wat meer water in de zomer en lente, zeker als het extra warm is. Zorg dat er geen water in de pot blijft staan want de meeste planten houden niet van natte voeten.
Plantenvoeding is ook noodzakelijk want de voeding in de aarde waarin de planten zijn geleverd is niet eindeloos. Voeding geef je in het groeiseizoen van april t/m september. In de winter en herfst is gaan planten in rust en is het beter geen voeding te geven.
Zet planten niet in de tocht, want dat vinden ze niet fijn. Het trekt ook luis en ander ongedierte aan.
Sommige planten houden van een lichte plek en andere kunnen ook wat donkerder staan. Er moet wel altijd daglicht aanwezig zijn.
Kijk even in onze database of jou plant er bij staat en check de tips.
Hello my name is Aglaomorpha coronans
I am easy going, water me once or twice a week i’d like to be more in the shade then in the sun
Hello my name is Alocasia Calidora
Water me twice a week
I’d like to be in the sun
Hello my name is Alocasia lauterbacchiana i am from sout-east asia
Water me once a week and keep my feet dry
I’d like to be in the light
Hello my name is Asparagus falcatus / Asperge plant
Water me once a week but let my soil dry up first
I’d like to be in the light but not in the full sun
Hello my name is Asparagus Setaceus / Asperge plant
Water me once a week but let my soil dry up first
I’d like to be in the light but not in the full sun
Hello my name is Asplenium antiquum / Nestvaren
Keep me moist water me a little twice a week
I’d like to be in the light but not directly in the sun
Hello my name is Beaucarnea
I am your easy green friend, water some but not to much
I’d like to be in the light but not directly in the sun
Hello my name is Caryota mitis / Vissenstaartpalm
Water me twice a week but not to much keep my feet dry please
I’d like to be out of the sun in a dark place
Hello my name is chlorophytum comosum / Graslelie
Water me once a week keep my soil moist
I’d like to be in the light, but “hey I am not difficult”
Hello my name is Codiaeum / Croton I come from Polynesië
Keep my soil always moist, keep out of draft (geen tocht)
I’d like to be in the light but the full sun
Hello my name is Ficus lyrata I come from Southeast Asia
Water me twice a week
I’d like to be in the light but not directly in the full sun
Hello my name is Philodendron imperial green
Keep my feet moist but don’t drown me please
I’d like to be in the light but not the full sun
Hello my name is Philodendron selloum
Keep me moist and water me a little 2 / 3 times a week
I’d like to be in the light but avoid (afternoon) sun
Hi my name is Lepelplant i grow beautiful white flowers.
Hello my name is Kentia i am a palm.
I am easy goin and well know in dutch homes. Water me twice a week.
I like the sun an lots of light.
Hello my name is Platycerium bifurcatum / Hersthoornvaren
Keep my feet wet by watering not to much once a week
I’d like to be in the dark cool shades
Hello my name is Rhipsalis cassutha / rotskoraal
Water me a little once a week and I don’t need much
I’d like to be in the light and I’ll get small flowers
Hello my name is Rhipsalis ramulosa
Water me a little once a week and I don’t need much. I’d like to be in the light
Hello i am your Italian prince: Sansevieria futura superba
Water me just a little I am your easy friend
I’d like to be almost in any spot
Hello i am your Italian prince: sansevieria aubrytiana
Water me just a little I am your easy friend
I’d like to be almost in any spot
Hello i am your Italian prince: Sansevieria kirki friends
Water me just a little I am your easy friend. I’d like to be almost in any spot
Hello my name is Schefflera amate
Water me once a week a little, my feet like it a bit dry. I’d like to be in the sun about 3-5 hours a day
Hello my name is Schefflera arboricola i am from Australia
Water me once a week a little, my feet like it a bit dry. I’d like to be in the sun about 3-5 hours a day
Hello my name is Scindapsus aureus (from Salomon islands)
I clean the air, keep my soil wet water me twice a week. I’d like to be in the half shade out of draft (tocht)
Hello my name is Strelitzia reginae / paradijsvogelbloem
Water me once every two weeks. I’d like to be in the sun a lot and will flower !
Hello my name is Stromanthe triostar
Water me twice a week a litlle
I’d like to be in the dark shade where others don’t go
Hello my name is Tetrastigma voinierianum Pyramide
Water me 1or 2 times a week. Keep me out of the direct sun, shade is oke
Oude Delft 101, 2611 BD Delft - 06 38 82 16 68 -